Town of West Sweden-Monthly Meeting

May 20, 2008


Meeting called to order at   6:35 p.m.       Present at the meeting were Dennis O’Donnell- Chairman, Scott Wilder and Glenn Meier- Supervisors, Phyllis Wilder – Treasurer and Lori Lundquist-Clerk.  Patrolman Kevin Taylor and no onlookers.

The meeting was called to order by Scott as Dennis arrived late.


The minutes of the last meeting were read by the clerk. 

Motion to approve minutes by  Glenn and seconded by Scott. Carried.


The treasurer’s monthly report was presented by Phyllis.

Motion to approve the treasurer’s report was made by  Scott  and seconded by Glenn.



Public Input - none


Old Business – Discussion on recent road inspection, talk of borrowing $200,000 to do 2-3 miles of road.  Clerk will put on agenda for next meeting and will also check on our current loan.


 Patrolman/Hwy. Building/Hwy. Report - Kevin wondering about patching Beer Can Alley, Bergmann may do patch for $150.    Also Kevin said strobe lights are not working on the dump truck, he will check into where these can be replaced.  Kevin will put bids out for Trip project.


Correspondence- none


New Business- reminder of Comprehensive Kickoff meeting on June 9, and reminder of Board of Review for June 4.


All bills paid and approved.


The next meeting will be Tuesday, June 17 at 6:30 p.m.


Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Scott  and seconded by  Glenn



Meeting adjourned at  7:15  p.m.


Lori Lundquist, Clerk